Posts by Jordy

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Monthly Charismatic Mass at Our Lady of Fatima

by Jordy

Monthly Charismatic Mass 5 July Father Paul Taylor 2 August Father ralph de Hahn 20 September Father Mari Joseph 4 October FatherCharles Prince – Youth Mass 1 November Father Brandon West 6 December Father Nkulukeko Qokolo Bands to be announced

Lenten Jelly Bean Activity & Prayer for kids

by Jordy

Lent is the season of preparation for Easter. It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter, lasting for 40 days (not counting Sundays). We prepare for Easter by fasting and practicing spiritual discipline during this time – to reflect on His sacrifices. Young children have a hard time understanding Lent and 40 days can […]

Laudate the Free Catholic App

by Jordy

The Latin word Laudate meaning praise. Psalm 117, known by the opening words in Latin as “Laudate dominum” (translated “O, Praise the Lord” or “Praise ye the Lord”), Laudate is the most popular Catholic App and is free on Apple Itunes Store and the Google PLay Store. It is a source of information and a […]